Picture 2 is a head CT scan of 52 years old patient from Wonogiri – Indonesia. Taken at Panti Waluyo Hospital, Surakarta – Indonesia three days ago (November 11, 2008). And picture 1 is the old CT scan one. It was taken at same hospital 6 months ago (May 20, 2008). At that moment, the patient was still sopor with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 8.
At picture 2, the scan is good enough to read. Both soft and hard tissue can be clearly differed. There is no midline shift. Ventricel space is wider than before (B2 compared with B1), indicates that cerebral oedem is absence.
Hipodense mass at fronto-temporal site (called as subdural hematom) is less than before (A2 compared with A1). “But still prominent”, Mr Prasodjo, a radiologist, said. In the other hand, sulci and gyri are more visible than the old one.
Until now, alhamdulillah, the patient has a significant improvement. His motorik strength has back from hemiparese and the psychological condition is much better than before.
But, the patient is still having at least two problems: (1) his right eye can’t see the object clearly yet (sometimes he see the object become double, called as diplopia); and (2) his right hand sometimes feels like paresthesia. But this symptom can be relieved with Voltaren 1% (diclofenac sodium) emulgel.
The patient has met Mr.Widjono, a neuro-surgeon, and takes some drugs.
3 komentar:
andri, itu gambar apa tooo
bingung ......
He's ur dad,realy?Brarti dah kmajuan...Smoga lkas sembuh...'semangad'
Mas,tgan kanan like paresthesia itu apa?Susah digerakkan gt?Aq ndak mudeng ma gmbar CT scanx..Maklum orang udik @.@
@ Wirati:
Itu namanya...CT SCAN! :D
@ dik Fina:
Paresthesia itu kalo orang Jawa bilang 'gringgingen', bahasa indonesia-nya 'kesemutan'. Ya mungkin itu gejala sisa...dulunya kan tangan kanan bapakku itu lumpuh dik...Tapi alhamdulillah dah membaik kok. :)
Makasih ya...
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