“When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less.”
~ Muslim
Do you want to read hadith as above everywhere you are? It is possible if you installed ‘Hadith 50’ to your mobile phone. ‘Hadith 50’ can be downloaded here.
Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009
Produce Card from the Air
I’m informed some trics about card manipulation from my brother. And really, I wondered about it. He said, that trics are got from Youtube. Directly, I open that site and learn one of tric which all of you may have recognized this previously. This tric called “produce card from the air”. Moment when I’m playing this tric can be downloaded here.
Enjoy it. :)
Enjoy it. :)
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009
Sent A Photo

Few minutes ago I joined photograph contest at "Klinik Fotografi KOMPAS". Don't know, how many times i've joined this contest, but have never won. :D Hopefully this one win.
You can comment here.
Blood Transfusion
A 60-year-old man came with his family. It’s heard weeping from one who accompany. Such matter, as long as I know, designate that the condition of patient is worrying. And it is true. That moment, patient is in a weak condition. Patient is seen out of breath which marked by breath frequency which mounting. Besides, patient also vomits several times during journey to hospital. At that moment, blood pressure measured is 100 / 60.
Pursuant to physical examination and laboratory test which I did, patient diagnosed as anaemia. Hb (hemoglobin) at that moment 4,0 g / dL. Patient is planned to get two colf of PRC (packed red cell) transfusion, injection of ampicillin 1 gr / 8 hour and injection of ranitidin 1 ampoule / 12 hour. Next day, PRC transfusion is given 1 colf per day till Hb more than 8,0 g / dL.
Blood Transfusion as Therapy
Blood transfusion is indicated to patient with anaemia, bleeding, coagulation trouble and also thalassemia. Patient with heavy anaemia, if did not be boosted up as soon as possible, can cause two matters. First, can continue to heart failure, because of heart activities is mounting. Second, can continue to hipoksia, because cell oxygenation decreasing.
One unit of PRC can give increase of Hb equal to 0,25-0,5 g / dL. In a normovolemia condition, one unit given in 1-3 hour, and don't longer than 5 hours, in order not to give challenge germ to grow up during blood stay in room temperature.
At chronic anaemia, where body fluid did not decrease drastically, this cell oxygenation still can be defended by heart, by improving cardiac output. This matter as according to formula of Nunn-Freeman, where Available O2 = CO {( Hb X Sao2 x 1.34 + ( x pO2 0.003)}. CO is cardiac output and of Hb is haemoglobin.
Transfusion require to be given when Hb less than 8,0 and there is sign of lack of oxygen. There are two kinds of blood type: whoole blood (WB) and of packed red cell (PRC). WB is given if anaemia accompanied by hipovolemia and also trombositopenia. But, if the target is just for improving Hb, PRC is best choice.
Pursuant to physical examination and laboratory test which I did, patient diagnosed as anaemia. Hb (hemoglobin) at that moment 4,0 g / dL. Patient is planned to get two colf of PRC (packed red cell) transfusion, injection of ampicillin 1 gr / 8 hour and injection of ranitidin 1 ampoule / 12 hour. Next day, PRC transfusion is given 1 colf per day till Hb more than 8,0 g / dL.
Blood Transfusion as Therapy
Blood transfusion is indicated to patient with anaemia, bleeding, coagulation trouble and also thalassemia. Patient with heavy anaemia, if did not be boosted up as soon as possible, can cause two matters. First, can continue to heart failure, because of heart activities is mounting. Second, can continue to hipoksia, because cell oxygenation decreasing.
One unit of PRC can give increase of Hb equal to 0,25-0,5 g / dL. In a normovolemia condition, one unit given in 1-3 hour, and don't longer than 5 hours, in order not to give challenge germ to grow up during blood stay in room temperature.
At chronic anaemia, where body fluid did not decrease drastically, this cell oxygenation still can be defended by heart, by improving cardiac output. This matter as according to formula of Nunn-Freeman, where Available O2 = CO {( Hb X Sao2 x 1.34 + ( x pO2 0.003)}. CO is cardiac output and of Hb is haemoglobin.
Transfusion require to be given when Hb less than 8,0 and there is sign of lack of oxygen. There are two kinds of blood type: whoole blood (WB) and of packed red cell (PRC). WB is given if anaemia accompanied by hipovolemia and also trombositopenia. But, if the target is just for improving Hb, PRC is best choice.
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
Cerita Konyol Berjudul ‘Andri Journal’
“Shinobi bukan dilihat dari cara hidupnya, tapi kematiannya. Kehidupan shinobi dinilai bukan dari bagaimana menjalaninya, tapi dari apa yang sudah dilakukannya.
Kalau kuingat lagi, ceritaku penuh kegagalan. Ditolak Tsunade. Tidak bisa menghentikan teman. Tidak bisa melindungi murid dan guru. Kalau dibandingkan dengan keberhasilan para hokage, apa yang sudah kulakukan hanya hal-hal konyol yang tidak berguna. Aku juga ingin mati seperti para hokage pendahulu.
Suatu cerita ditentukan dari kualitas ‘akhirnya’.
Kegagalan juga menyenangkan! Aku hidup dengan kepercayaan bahwa cobaan itu berguna untuk menempa diri sendiri. Sebagai gantinya, untuk membayar kegagalanku selama ini, aku akan meraih prestasi luar biasa. Mati sebagai shinobi yang hebat!
Begitulah seharusnya.”
* Dikutip dari Naruto volume 42 : “The Secret of Mangekyou…!!”
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